Instituto de Ciencias Medicas presents advances on the results of a pioneer study in Panama between genetics and unhealthy lifestyles as triggers for developing breast cancer.

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Dr. Ivan Landires, researcher, general director of the Institute of Medical Sciences (ICM of Las Tablas, Azuero) and medical geneticist of the Regional Hospital Joaquin Pablo Franco Sayas of Las Tablas, presents advances of the results of a pioneering study that sought to establish the relationship between genetics and unhealthy lifestyles as a trigger for developing breast cancer. The study involved the participation of 116 women from all over the country, between the National Institute of Oncology (ION) and the Azuero region, who suffer or suffered from this disease.
Entitled Determinants for the development of breast cancer: Genetics and lifestyle, it began in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and was financed by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (Senacyt) through a Mission in Health call for proposals. It lasted three years.

Read more details in the interview conducted by Urania Molina from Web de la Salud, click on the following link:


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