
15 May, 2023

Seminar 5: Major Genes and Multifactorial Disease Management, presented by Dr. Mauricio Arcos-Burgos.

INVITATION The Instituto de Ciencias Medicas invites you to our fifth seminar entitled “Major Genes and Multifactorial Disease Management” presented by Dr. Mauricio Arcos-Burgos of the […]
24 April, 2023

ICM researchers publish in the prestigious journal The Lancet.

Researchers from the Instituto de Ciencias Medicas of Las Tablas, Azuero, Panama, publish their contribution to democratize genetic diagnosis in low and middle income countries in […]
24 April, 2023

Rare diseases: democratising genetic testing in LMICs

Read the full article at the following link: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(23)00343-4
17 April, 2023

How many times can a Panamanian go to the pharmacy to buy medicines?

Our study on the Affordability of Medicines in Panama and Latin American countries showed that the ability of Panamanians to buy medicines is one of the […]